Throw away story [poem]

he nearly threw away his lifethe book about the pacific war a gift from grandma but more than a book

the note attached to the back beckoned not to throw it out

as you read this book you will see your grandfather throughout this is not garbage it is a barrage of you and your story

this poem is this reality

do not throw it out pay attention to the things around you

your story is being written this is all your story

you can learn a bit about yourself

You're Welcome: Eliot Rausch

Every once in a while you come across a website that just steals your attention right from under you. You may not even know why, but you find yourself just mindlessly clicking through because you just have to see one…more…post. These will be things I find to share with you; things before you thank me for showing, I’ll just say, “You’re welcome!”


A friend of mine shared a short film with me entitled O Night Divine! I followed the link and immediately found myself in the world of Eliot Rausch. This director and editor has several stunning projects he has posted for people to enjoy online. I have attached a spotlight shown on Late Night with Carson Daily. Within the spotlight there is reference to one of his short films entitled Last Minutes with Oden. This thing will rip your heart out in a redemptive way.

I could not stop watching Eliot's films on his website. Take some time to watch as much as you can. My recommendations, in order, are: Last Minutes with Oden, Eds Story, O Night Divine

[vimeo w=400&h=300]

Eliot Rausch on "Last Call" with Carson Daly from Eliot Rausch + Phos Pictures on Vimeo.

Restoration: n

res*to*ra*tion [res-tuh-rey-shun]noun 1. act of renewing or reviving 2. a state of being restored/returned to original 3. a restitution of something lost or stolen 4. recreated setting, as in a historical house 5. repair or replacement

re*store [ri-stawr, -stohr] verb 1. to bring back, as to use or good condition 2. to give back


This is my word of the year. I want these things in my heart, soul, life, and world. I want this for me. I want it for those close to me, and I want it for strangers.

A homeless man's joke

Today I remembered a joke told by one my residents when I worked at a homeless and recovery ministry. So I am going to try retelling it as close to his portrayal as I can. There is this lady named Sally, and she had some health problems.  She ended up on the operating table and she talked to God.  "Is this it, God?  Am I going to die now?"  God answered, "No Sally, you have 40 more years."

Well then Sally got through the operation and got better just fine.  Since she had made it through and knew she had 40 years left, she decided to get 'some work' done.  She got a tuck here, and a lift there.  She got a boob job and some other surgeries.  As she was leaving one of her appointments, she walked out into the street and got hit by an ambulance and died.

She got to heaven and said, "God!  What happened!  I thought you said I had another 40 years!"

God said, "OH Sally???  I didn't recognize you."

You're Welcome: one word 365

I was catching up on my list of blogs, and my friend, Malisa shared this website and challenge today.

One Word 365

I think it is a great way to look into a new year. It is a great way to make movements toward truly seeing things grow in the right way within and around us.

The one word website describes the challenge this way:

"One word can change everything. Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap the long list of goals that you won’t remember three weeks from now anyway. Choose just one word. One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live or what you want to achieve by the end of 2012. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long. It will take hard work, and will require intentionality and commitment. But if you let it, your word will shape you and your year. It will guide your decisions and help you grow."

My word for this year will be: RESTORATION

What would your word be for this year?

Postaday Challenge Complete

Wordpress extended a challenge I accepted at the beginning of the year. A post a day! You could set your own parameters, and chose to take the challenge of a post per work day. That would calculate to be 260 posts in 2011.

I have posted 267.


I hope it has not proven too overkill for you all. I hope that I have provided material you wanted to read and engage with. Never would I hope to run people off because my posts seem too incessant. Please let me know what you thought about the frequency, quality, and favorites of posts I shared this year. This helps me reflect on where I hope to write for the future here at


Top 5 Ragamuffinpc Posts of 2011

My Tops of 2011


Here are a few random lists of my favorites, my tops, and most enjoyed of 2011. They are all in random order except the first of each; that will be my overall favorite of the year.

Books - The Pastor by Eugene Peterson - Next Christians by Gabe Lyons - All is Grace by Brennan Manning - Heart of the Story by Randy Frazee - The Feather Room by Anis Mojgani

Albums - Ghosts Upon the Earth by Gungor - Aftermath by Hillsong United - Odd Soul by Mutemath - Bon Iver by Bon Iver - Barton Hollow by Civil Wars - Simple Math by Manchester Orchestra - Metal & Wood by Tyrone Wells - Young Love by Mat Kearney - Inclusions by Ben Sollee

TV (other than SNL) - Parenthood - Up All Night - Modern Family - Work of Art: next greatest artist

Poets - Listener - Propoganda - Buddy Wakefield - The Robin and the Lady Poet

Blogs (I discovered in the last year) - Life to Her Years - Barefooton45th - Malisa Price - Faith on Campus